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Functional metagenomic analysis of the coffee (coffea arabica) fermentation
2018Registro en:
Vera Pacheco K., Valdivieso Quintero W., Mantilla-Paredes A.J., Jaimes W., Torrado J., Zafra G., 2018, Functional
metagenomic analysis of the coffee (coffea arabica) fermentation, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 64, 355-360
DOI: 10.3303/CET1864060
Vera Pacheco, Katerine
Valdivieso Quintero, Wilfredo
Mantilla Paredes, Andrea Juliana
Jaimes, William
Torrado, Jorge
Zafra, German
This study focused on studying the influence of the temperature and time on the functional diversity of the microbial populations involved in coffee (Coffea arabica) fermentation, using a shotgun metagenomic
approach. Fermentations of depulped coffee grains were carried out under controlled and non-controlled
temperature conditions for 24 h. Paired-end whole genome sequencing from mucilage samples was
performed using an Illumina Hiseq 2x150 platform. Global and specific gene abundance was analyzed using
the KEGG orthology (KO). Results showed a predominance of genes involved in carbohydrate and aminoacid
metabolism during fermentations. The abundance of genes involved in glycolysis / gluconeogenesis, lactate
fermentation and mixed acids were higher during fermentation conducted under non-controlled temperature
conditions; however, fermentations carried out at 11 °C induced a significant increase in the abundance of
genes involved in the synthesis of aminoacid, lipids and organic acids, as well as protein secretion systems.
We concluded that different temperatures and conditions in fermentations produce appreciable changes on
the functional potential of both aminoacid and carbohydrate metabolism, especially in the abundance of Nacetyl-lysine deacetylase, pyruvate dehydrogenase and 6-phosphofructokinase genes, which in turn could
greatly affect the taste and quality of coffee. This information, together with the results from coffee cupping,
provided valuable insights into the role microorganisms involved in coffee fermentation play in obtaining better
taste attributes, as well to identify key genes and potential metabolic pathways associated with these special