Factores de competitividad empresarial del sector textil de la ciudad de Pereira
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Giraldo Cardona, M.; Marín, A.M. & Tapasco Jaramillo, L. (2018) Factores de competitividad empresarial del sector textil de la ciudad de Pereira (tesis de pregrado). AREANDINA, Pereira, Colombia.
Giraldo Cardona, Marisol
Marín, Anyi Milena
Tapasco Jaramillo, Luisa
The present article is a bibliographic review about the factors of business competitiveness in the textile sector of the city of Pereira whose objectives where to determine the factors of business competitiveness, identify the competitive factors in the textile sectors of the city of Pereira and establish the business competitiveness of the sector. Likewise, the methodology whose carried out in three phases: reading/understanding of bibliographic documents; analysis of the information collected; synthesis of the selected information and writing of the article. In addition, the realization of the article let us to conclude that: the business competitiveness of the textile sector depends on the innovative factor and the technological instrument to sustain itself in the competitive circle; competition has generated the need and obligation of internationalization as a requirement to be competitive; the competitiveness in the textile sector of the city of Pereira tackles new cluster strategies as competitive advantages, allowing these the associativity of institution and companies in search of achieving competitiveness; also highlighting the participation of the textile sector in the city of Pereira which implies a greater emphasis on the creation of differential strategies for this business sector.