dc.contributorSrur, Leandro
dc.creatorFerrer Daub, Facundo Javier
dc.descriptionSince 1991 with the birth of the World Wide Web the rate of data growth has been growing with a record level in the last couple of years. Big companies tackled down this data growth with expensive and enormous data centres to process and get value of this data. From social media, Internet of Things (IoT), new business process, monitoring and multimedia, the capacities of those data centres started to be a problem and required continuos and expensive expansion. Thus, Big Data was something that only a few were able to access. This changed fast when Amazon launched Amazon Web Services (AWS) around 15 years ago and gave the origins to the public cloud. At that time, the capabilities were still very new and reduced but 10 years later the cloud was a whole new business that changed for ever the Big Data business. This not only commoditised computer power but it was accompanied by a price model that let medium and small players the possibility to access it. In consequence, new problems arised regarding the nature of these distributed systems and the software architectures required for proper data processing. The present job analyse the type of typical Big Data workloads and propose an architecture for a cloud native data analysis pipeline. Lastly, it provides a chapter for tools and services that can be used in the architecture taking advantage of their open source nature and the cloud price models.
dc.descriptionFil: Ferrer Daub, Facundo Javier. Universidad Católica de Córdoba. Instituto de Ciencias de la Administración; Argentina
dc.sourceFerrer Daub, Facundo Javier (2017) Design and evaluation of a cloud native data analysis pipeline for cyber physical production systems. Universidad Católica de Córdoba [Tesis de Maestría].
dc.subjectQA75 Equipos electrónicos. Informática
dc.subjectT Tecnología (General)
dc.titleDesign and evaluation of a cloud native data analysis pipeline for cyber physical production systems
dc.typeinfo:ar-repo/semantics/tesis de maestría

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