dc.creatorCantisano Jorge, Nicole; Université de Toulouse 2, Le Mirail URI Octogone-Cerpp
dc.creatorRimé, Bernard; Université de Louvain, Institut de Recherche en Sciences Psychologiques, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
dc.creatorMuñoz-Sastre, María T.; Université de Toulouse II-Le Mirail, Laboratoire Octogone-Cerpp, Toulouse, France
dc.description.abstractThe propensity to speak and share emotional experiences, denoted as the social sharing of emotions (SSE), has been thoroughly investigated, showing in different cultural settings that 80% to 95% of emotional experiences, negative or positive, are object of SSE. The present study’s main objective was to obtain descriptive data concerning SSE in the Dominican culture. A total of 306 Dominican laypersons responded to a questionnaire which recollected autobiographical data aiming: to establish main SSE descriptive indicators (rate, recurrence and delay) and to identify social sharing targets in this cultural context. Findings corroborate previous studies concerning SSE global indicators. First, this Dominican sample is at comparable levels regarding sharing rates 92.48% of emotional episodes were socially shared. Secondly, 68.62% of participants reported having shared the emotional episode the same day it took place. Third, findings revealed that 72.55% of participants talked about the emotion-eliciting event several times. To conclude, the study’s findings show that Dominican laypersons are at comparable levels as other populations when it comes to SSE indicators and that Dominicans’ choice in social sharing targets, intimates, is compatible with numerous SSE studies (Rimé, 2009).
dc.publisherPontificia Universidad Javeriana
dc.relationUniversitas Psychologica; Vol. 13, Núm. 2 (2014); 457-466
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 4.0 Internacional
dc.subjectCognición, emociones, compartir social de las emociones, Republica Dominicana
dc.subjectCognition, Emotions, Social Sharing of Emotions, Dominican Republic
dc.titleThe Social Sharing of Emotions (SSE) in the Dominican Republic’s Cultural Context: Autobiographical Descriptive Data

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