New records on the geographical distribution of South American sharpshooters (Cicadellidae: Cicadellinae: Proconiini) and their potential as vectors of <i>Xylella fastidiosa</i>
Dellapé, Gimena
Logarzo, Guillermo A.
Virla, Eduardo G.
Paradell, Susana Liria
<i>Xylella fastidiosa</i> is endemic to the Americas, it causes economically important diseases in a variety of different crops, and is transmitted by xylem-feeding sharpshooters. This paper provides new geographic records for Proconiini sharpshooters in South America which helps to better understand their distribution. To develop these new records, we examined material from 3 of the main entomological collections held in Argentina. As a result, 5 species are cited for the first time from Paraguay; 4 for Perú; 3 for Bolivia; 2 for Ecuador; and 1 each for Uruguay and Brazil. Some of the species could be vectors of <i>X. fastidiosa</i> because congeners of the species studied here are known to transmit this bacterium. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo