K- and L- band spectroscopy of Be stars
Granada, Anahí
Arias, María Laura
Cidale, Lydia Sonia
Mennickent, Ronald E.
We describe the behaviour of IR hydrogen emission lines of a sample of Be stars and discuss the physical properties of the circumstellar envelopes of Be stars classified in Groups I and II (Mennickent et al. 2009). We find that while Humphreys and Pfund lines of Group I stars form in an optically thick envelope/disk, Group II stars show Pfund lines that form in an optically thick medium and Humphreys lines originating in optically thinner regions. The transition between Groups I and II could be understood in terms of the evolution of the circumstellar disk of the star and might bring clues on the mechanism originating the Be phenomenon. Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísicas Instituto de Astrofísica de La Plata