Spore wall ultrastructure in Anogramma species (Pteridaceae) from Argentina
Ramos Giacosa, Juan Pablo
Morbelli, Marta Alicia
Giudice, Gabriela Elena
The sporoderm ultrastructure of Anogramma Link species, which grow in Argentina, was studied using scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The species A. chaerophylla (Desv.) Link and A. lorentzii (Hieron.) Diels were studied with TEM for the first time. The spores of both species have a sculptured, apparently two-layered exospore. The perispore is uniformly thickened on the whole surface: in A. chaerophylla it is three-layered, while, in A. lorentzii it is single-layered with a complex structure. Spherules are present on the perispore surface or incorporated into the structure of A. chaerophylla while, globules exist on and within the perispore in A. lorentzii. The sporoderm ultrastructure in these two species was compared with other cingulate genera within the Pteridaceae. The characteristics found in this work, with respect to spore wall structure and general morphology, suggest that these characters may differentiate species within genus. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo