Combined fit of spectrum and composition data as measured by the Pierre Auger Observatory
Dova, María Teresa
Hansen, Patricia María
Mariazzi, Analisa Gabriela
Sciutto, Sergio Juan
Vergara Quispe, Indira Dajhana
Wahlberg, Hernán Pablo
The Pierre Auger Collaboration
We present a combined fit of a simple astrophysical model of UHECR sources to both the energy spectrum and mass composition data measured by the Pierre Auger Observatory. The fit has been performed for energies above 5 · 10<sup>18</sup> eV, i.e. the region of the all-particle spectrum above the so-called “ankle” feature. The astrophysical model we adopted consists of identical sources uniformly distributed in a comoving volume, where nuclei are accelerated through a rigidity-dependent mechanism. The fit results suggest sources characterized by relatively low maximum injection energies, hard spectra and heavy chemical composition. We also show that uncertainties about physical quantities relevant to UHECR propagation and shower development have a non-negligible impact on the fit results. Este documento tiene una corrección (ver documento relacionado). La nómina completa de autores puede verse en el archivo asociado a este ítem. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Instituto de Física La Plata