Objeto de conferencia
Service Oriented Architecture for Undo Functionality
Registro en:
Merlino, Hernán
Dieste, Oscar
Pesado, Patricia Mabel
García Martínez, Ramón
This paper proposes a highly automated mechanism to build an undo facility into a new or existing system easily encapsulated into a service. Our proposal is based on the observation that for a large set of operators it is not necessary to store in-memory object states or executed system commands to undo an action; the storage of input data is instead enough. The use of services strategy simplifies greatly the design of the undo process and encapsulates most of the functionalities required in a framework structure similar to the many object-oriented programming frameworks. We present a proof of concept illustrating the simplicity and reusability of the proposed framework under alignments of Software as a Service. Facultad de Informática