Objeto de conferencia
Reflexiones sobre la importancia del asentimiento en investigaciones psicológicas con niños
Registro en:
Hernández Salazar, Vanesa
Soloaga Piatti, Natalia
Nieves, Daiana
Pérez, Lucía
Este trabajo se realiza en el marco del proyecto "El consentimiento informado en investigaciones psicológicas con niños. Consideraciones ético-normativa", cuyo propósito general consiste en identificar, en relevar y en analizar diferentes consideraciones ético-normativas relativas a la especificidad que adquiere el Consentimiento Informado en investigaciones psicológicas con niños. En esta comunicación nos centraremos particularmente en las características del asentimiento y su importancia en el proceso de la investigación. Para ello, realizamos una selección y revisión bibliográfica, utilizando como estrategia metodológica el análisis de contenido cualitativo de categorías elaboradas en el tratamiento del material. En función de este análisis, presentamos aquí los primeros resultados y conclusiones establecidas. This work was developed within an ongoing research project on “Informed consent in psychological research with children: ethical-normative considerations. We analyze features that assent assumes and its importance in research process. For that purpose we have examined bibliography related to the topic. Given the increased inclusion of children in research, several authors have begun to take into account the importance of considering children and adolescent’s opinions according to their greater or lesser capacity for discernment. These authors also emphasize the relevance of the assent concept as a tool to convey the children and teenager’s right to be heard and respected.
Finally, in the literature reviewed there is disagreement as to whether or not children are competent enough to give informed consent and assent has been proposed as a better option to include minors in research. We can conclude that the assent that children can give in investigations is important to ensure the exercise and protection of their rights.
Thus, we consider fundamental the training of psychologists in the field of research and their ethical-deontological problems. Mesa de trabajos libres: Estudios Interdisciplinarios y Nuevos Desarrollos Facultad de Psicología