dc.creatorDelgado, Andrea
dc.creatorCalegari, Daniel
dc.descriptionSelecting a Business Process Management Systems (BPMS) for an organization is not a trivial task. It requires a thorough evaluation of its capabilities considering the whole support of the business process lifecycle and the organizational environment in which the BPMS will be used. In this context, in a previous work we have proposed a methodology for the systematic evaluation of BPMS, which was mostly focused on required functional and non-technical aspects. In this paper, we present the extension of our methodology with a detailed definition of non-functional aspects to be evaluated, and a set of test cases for their evaluation. We also performed a fine tuning of the methodology based on a comprehensive comparison with other existent methodologies and the provision of tool support. As a case study, we present an evaluation of open source and proprietary BPMS following our proposal.
dc.descriptionSociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO)
dc.rightsCreative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
dc.subjectCiencias Informáticas
dc.subjectBusiness Process Management Systems (BPMS)
dc.subjectsystematic approach
dc.subjectnon-functional requirements
dc.titleEvaluating Non-Functional Aspects of Business Process Management Systems
dc.typeObjeto de conferencia
dc.typeObjeto de conferencia

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