dc.creatorAli, Shahiba
dc.creatorAugustin, Désirée S.
dc.creatorHerbert, Susan
dc.creatorJames, Freddy
dc.creatorPhillip, Sharon
dc.creatorRampersad, Joycelyn
dc.creatorYamin-Ali, Jennifer
dc.identifierAli, S., Augustin, D. S., Herbert, S., James, F., Phillip, S., Rampersad, J., and Yamin-Ali, J. (2012). Is anybody listening? Stakeholders' perspectives on the in-service Diploma in Education Programme at the School of Education, The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine Campus. Caribbean Curriculum, 19, 171-194.
dc.description.abstractThe Diploma in Education (Dip.Ed.) programme at the School of Education of The University of the West Indies (UWI), St. Augustine, provides initial training for teachers employed in the secondary school system in Trinidad and Tobago. In keeping with the tenets and stages of fourth generation evaluation research, stakeholders' perspectives were integral to the process of evaluating the Dip.Ed. programme, which was delivered during the period 2004-2009. Through purposive and stratified random sampling, focus group and individual interviews were conducted with three separate groups of stakeholders: principals, heads of departments, and deans from a sample of schools; and Central Administration officers of the Ministry of Education. Teachers who had graduated from the programme during the period were asked to complete a questionnaire. Data were analysed, using the NVIVO qualitative data analysis software, to determine stakeholders' issues, claims, and concerns. This article reports on these selected stakeholders' perspectives on the programme. Preliminary findings reveal the extent to which the current in-service Dip.Ed. programme meets stakeholders' expectations, and the benefits and limitations of the programme. The implications of the findings for teacher education and reform are discussed
dc.publisherSchool of Education, UWI, St. Augustine
dc.subjectDiploma in Education programme
dc.subjectSchool of Education, UWI, St. Augustine
dc.subjectProgramme evaluation
dc.subjectStakeholder attitudes
dc.subjectTrinidad and Tobago
dc.titleIs anybody listening? Stakeholders' perspectives on the in-service Diploma in Education Programme at the School of Education, The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine Campus

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