Participation, More Than Add Women and Stir? A Comparative Case Analysis in Post-Coup Haiti
Schuller, Mark
Women‘s nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) have become targets for increasing development funding in recent years, a bigger slice in a bigger overall pie. In addition to being a consequence of gradual shifts within development orthodoxy regarding gender, this targeting of women‘s NGOs results from two recent trends, gender ―mainstreaming and the scale-up of funding to combat HIV/AIDS. Both are given a place in the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) adopted by all member states within the United Nations. Some feminists welcome this affirmation of women‘s importance and increase in funding for women‘s NGOs (Zaoudé and Sandler 2001; Porter and Judd 1999), while others are skeptical of ―institutional feminism (Bessis 2001) and the ―NGOization of feminism (Lind 2000; Alvarez 1999).