dc.creatorKassim, Halima
dc.description.abstract“Speak Out” against injustices is the doctrine that guides Feroza Rose Mohammed, a woman many know simply as Rose. It is this belief that brought her the glare of publicity and created a storm of controversy in October 2007, when she protested on Eid day against the placing of wooden barriers to separate men and women at the TML mosque. The words of Muhammad Ali (1942-), “service to others is the rent you pay here for your room on earth”, underpin the philosophy of Rose as wife, mother and citizen. Guided by the dictates of her faith, Islam, and the admonitions of the Qur’an—“You are the best people ever raised for the good of mankind because you have been raised to serve others; you enjoin what is good and forbid evil and believe in Allah.” (3:111)—she firmly believes in the promotion of good which would lead to the improved welfare of Trinidadian society. If one is to be defined by labels, Rose would want the following ascribed to her: Muslim, Trinidadian, passionate, simple, humble, service-oriented, empathetic and tolerant. Most of all, Rose embodies the elusive spirit of the transformative leader
dc.relationIssue 6;
dc.subjectFeroza Mohammed
dc.subjectMuslim women
dc.subjectwomen leaders
dc.titleThe Depths of Rose, ‘A Wind that Rose’: A Woman called Feroza Rose Mohammed

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