Book chapter
Principal professional preparation at the secondary school sector in Trinidad and Tobago
2008Registro en:
Joseph, A. (2008). Principal professional preparation at the secondary school sector in Trinidad and Tobago. In L. Quamina-Aiyejina (Ed.), Reconceptualising the agenda for education in the Caribbean: Proceedings of the 2007 Biennial Cross-Campus Conference in Education, April 23-26, 2007, School of Education, UWI, St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago (pp. 395-406). St. Augustine, Trinidad: School of Education, UWI.
Joseph, Arthur
Effective principals administer effective schools. Yet, while considerable time and financial and other resources have traditionally been devoted the development of teachers, professional preparation of principals has not been given similar attention. Using a quantitative research approach, this study investigated principals' perceptions of the appropriateness or relevance, the quality, and the intensity of the contents of the formal preparation programmes they experienced prior to or during their stint as principals. Data for the study came from 11 principals of secondary schools. Descriptive statistical analysis involving means and standard deviations revealed principals' dissatisfaction with pre-service professional preparation programmes. Nevertheless, principals expressed some measure of satisfaction with different types of in-service programmes