Recording, oral
Caribbean Report 16-08-1988
The British Broadcasting Corporation
Whitehorne, Pat (anchor)
Martin, Michael (correspondent)
Crosskill, Hugh (correspondent)
Marshall, Robin (analyst)
Timmins, Jerry (correspondent)
Cooper, Graham (analyst)
Fife, Andrew (interviewee)
Eggar, Timothy (interviewee)
Reid, Mike (correspondent)
This program highlights recent human rights violations in Haiti resulting in the death of four young people. It also reports on the state visit of St. Vincent and the Grenadines Prime Minister James Mitchell to Zambia, and takes a speculative look at the future of coffee prices in the event of a possible pull out of the USA from the International Coffee Association. Also featured are a reports on an agreement between Cable and Wireless and the Government of Grenada on the formation of a new company; a report on a specially brokered race between Ben Johnson and Carl Lewis, and a report on a visit to Peru by British Minister with responsibility for the Caribbean Timothy Eggar, in an effort to gain insight into the coca industry and its links to transshipment of cocaine via the Caribbean.