Guia para la optimización del proceso de compra del departamento de mantenimiento occidente de la gerencia de poliductos de la vicepresidencia de transporte de Ecopetrol S.A
Luna Florez, Luis Robinson
Sánchez Perdomo, Antonio
In this Project, the aspects that are impacting the economic and administrative management of the Department of Mantenimiento Occidente de la Gerencia de Poliducto de la Vicepresidencia de transporte de Ecopetrol S.A. were reviewed.
The maintenance management requires inputs to their activities: When there is no opportunity in the supply, a reprocessing is generated affecting the reliability of the operation, creating cost overruns to the processes of maintenance and lost in the implementation of the budget by not making an effective use of the resource. The supply process for Ecopetrol is performed using two informatics tools: ellipse and SAP; It is common to hear that two tool must be defined; however, the documents of the academic community can demonstrate how the integration of information systems is a common business dynamic and there are innumerable entities that are responsible for making this type of activity and achieve an effective transfer of transfer of information between systems.