Artículos de revistas
Masculinidades hegemómicas: una mirada desde la juventud
Reinoso Castillo, Isabel
González Vinent, Natalia Teresa
Suárez Roján, Greter
It is very frequent that the peoples identify as synonymous sex and masculinity, the masculinity it builds in the process of socialization of the individual, that begins with the birth and it extends during all your life. The studies of masculinity can be carried out by leaving to the margin the femininity because are to relate you and if carry out in this way are incomplete. So much the masculinity as the femininity is constructions socioculturales, those who it are in correspondence with the teaching that receives the individual from the infancy.
The present article as main objective have reflect about the perception that have a group of youthes, student of level intercede superior and superior as for the masculinity; whose ages are understanded between 18 and 27 years. It uses to him the group interview, as of a workshop of participation for the collection of the information, by verifying in a part of the/the young progressive, open, flexible criterions, breaking with the traditional conceptions and patriarchal customs, while in the other group find conservative conceptions they reproduce the stereotypes of masculinity that historically have been conceived for the patriarchal culture, |androcentristas| conceptions, model |sexistas|, where last old cultural traditional owners about the masculinity.