dc.contributorCampos, Gabriel Moreira
dc.contributorAlmeida, Jose Elias Feres de
dc.contributorNossa, Valcemiro
dc.description.abstractO objetivo desta dissertação é analisar a relação entre gerenciamento de resultados mediante decisões operacionais e fatores de sustentabilidade corporativa das companhias não financeiras listadas na BM&FBOVESPA. A detecção de gerenciamento de resultados por decisões operacionais se dá por meio dos resíduos (erros) da regressão e representam um nível anormal das atividades reais da empresa, sendo, assim, uma proxy para essa forma de gerenciamento (PAULO, 2007). Em revisão da literatura nessa temática, constatou-se que existe uma lacuna na investigação sobre gerenciamento de resultados no contexto de sustentabilidade corporativa, haja vista que são poucos os estudos que abordam o tema e os resultados encontrados são divergentes. Assim, para a realização deste estudo, utilizou-se uma amostra totalizando 1445 observações no período de 2005 a 2015, coletadas por meio do sistema Comdinheiro. Para a operacionalização da pesquisa, fez uso da análise de regressão pelo modelo Pooled Ordinary Least Squares (POLS) em painel, com erros-padrão robustos clusterizados pelo setor e ano. Os resultados obtidos, sugerem não existir relação entre a prática de gerenciamento de resultados mediante decisões operacionais e o ingresso de companhias na carteira ISE, entretanto, entre as variáveis referentes a fatores de sustentabilidade corporativa, foi verificado relação positiva nos três modelos de manipulações operacionais utilizados entre a evidenciação de fatores de sustentabilidade corporativa com base na GRI e gerenciamento de resultados mediante decisões operacionais. Conclui-se que, a entrada de companhias na carteira ISE não as influencia em manipularem seus resultados operacionais, e esse achado corrobora ao estudo de Silva (2014). Entretanto, os dados indicam que as companhias utilizam a sustentabilidade corporativa a fim de praticarem gerenciamento de resultados mediante decisões operacionais, assim como identifica-se nas pesquisas de Prior, Surroca e Tribó (2008); Salewski e Zülch (2014); Heltzer (2011) e Beuren e Rodrigues Junior (2014).
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this dissertation is to analyze the relationship between earnings management through operational decisions and factors of corporate sustainability of non-financial companies listed on BM&FBOVESPA. The detection of earnings management for operational decisions is by means of the waste (errors) of the regression and represent an abnormal level of real activities of the company, so they are a proxy for this form of management (Paulo, 2007). In a review of the literature on this theme, it was found that there is a gap in research on earnings management in the context of Corporate Sustainability, given that there are few studies that address the theme and the results are divergent. Thus, in this study, we used a sample totaling 1445 observations in the period from 2005 to 2015, collected by system Comdinheiro. For the operationalization of the research, made use of the regression analysis by the model Pooled Ordinary Least Squares (POLS) panel, with standard errors robust cluster by sector and year. The results obtained, suggest there is no relationship between the practice of earnings management through operational decisions and the entry of companies in the ISE portfolio analysis, however, between the variables related to factors of corporate sustainability, it was verified positive relationship in the three models of operational manipulations used between the disclosure of corporate sustainability based on the GRI and results management through operational decisions. It is concluded that the entry of companies in the ISE portfolio does the influences in manipulate their operating results, and this finding corroborates the study by Silva (2014). However, the data indicate that the companies use corporate sustainability in order to practice earnings management through operational decisions, as well as identifies himself in the research of Prior, Port and Tribó (2008); Salewski and Zülch (2014); Heltzer (2011) and Beuren and Rodrigues Junior (2014).
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this dissertation is to analyze the relationship between earnings management through operational decisions and factors of corporate sustainability of non-financial companies listed on BM&FBOVESPA. The detection of earnings management for operational decisions is by means of the waste (errors) of the regression and represent an abnormal level of real activities of the company, so they are a proxy for this form of management (Paulo, 2007). In a review of the literature on this theme, it was found that there is a gap in research on earnings management in the context of Corporate Sustainability, given that there are few studies that address the theme and the results are divergent. Thus, in this study, we used a sample totaling 1445 observations in the period from 2005 to 2015, collected by system Comdinheiro. For the operationalization of the research, made use of the regression analysis by the model Pooled Ordinary Least Squares (POLS) panel, with standard errors robust cluster by sector and year. The results obtained, suggest there is no relationship between the practice of earnings management through operational decisions and the entry of companies in the ISE portfolio analysis, however, between the variables related to factors of corporate sustainability, it was verified positive relationship in the three models of operational manipulations used between the disclosure of corporate sustainability based on the GRI and results management through operational decisions. It is concluded that the entry of companies in the ISE portfolio does the influences in manipulate their operating results, and this finding corroborates the study by Silva (2014). However, the data indicate that the companies use corporate sustainability in order to practice earnings management through operational decisions, as well as identifies himself in the research of Prior, Port and Tribó (2008); Salewski and Zülch (2014); Heltzer (2011) and Beuren and Rodrigues Junior (2014)
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Contábeis
dc.subjectGerenciamento de resultados mediante decisões operacionais
dc.subjectÍndice de Sustentabilidade Empresarial (ISE)
dc.subjectFatores de sustentabilidade corporativa
dc.titleGerenciamento de resultados mediante decisões operacionais e sustentabilidade corporativa no Brasil

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