Study of a bacterial consortium adapted to low bioavailability to phenanthrene, as potential inoculant to chronically PAH contaminated soils
López, Ana María
Medina, Rocío
Bosch, María Alejandra Nieves
Yantorno, Osvaldo
Del Panno, María T.
Due to the reduced bioavailability that characterizes chronically hydrocarbons contaminated soils, the bioaugmentation with cultures obtained by enrichment in solid phase systems, could be a promissing strategy to apply in aged contaminated soils.
In this context, the objective of this work was to study four bacterial component obtained from a degrader phenanthrene consortium by using solid phases with a resin XAD2 preloaded with phenanthrene, and to rebuild a defined degrading consortium from them.
The isolated strains were identified by 16S rRNA and phenotypically characterized using the conventional assays. Furthermore, their main phenotypic features and biochemical characteristics where analyzed by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR). The phenanthrene degradation was studied from both in the strain pure cultures and from the defined consortium. Our results showed that the application of XAD2 preloaded with phenanthrene culture systems represents a selective environment towards substrate colonizing bacterial species and allow us study the different strategies to enhance the PAH uptake and allow the bacterial survival in oligotrophic conditions.