Elites políticas de Mato Grosso: trajetórias, práticas políticas e mudanças institucionais 1930-1964
2019-02-22Registro en:
Arruda, Larissa Rodrigues Vacari de
The state of Mato Grosso over extended periods of time corresponded to three units of the Federation, including the states of Rondônia and Mato Grosso do Sul. The extensive territory had long borders with Bolivia and Paraguay. Cuiabá was the capital. Historically, the regions of Mato Grosso had distinct economic cycles, occupation process, societies, and political elites. During the First Republic, those who had political careers in Cuiabá controlled the state public offices. The state’s southern region was booming economically but had no political participation; consequently, the region claimed for it. After the 1930 Revolution another regional dynamic configuration was established, and the federal government overthrew old oligarchies such as Corrêa da Costa and promoted the Müllers, whose member Filinto Müller was the chief of police of the Federal District. It is still not known whether about political arrangements and the few studies did not elucidate the configuration among the political elites, especially in the Vargas years (1930-1945). In view of this shortcoming, this thesis aims to examine the specificities of the Mato Grosso’s elites and their consequences for political practices in the state between the years 1930-1964. For this, it was necessary to characterize who the elites were. After selecting the ruling class, their specificities were evaluated and their influence in the state politics was verified. The research is based on the following question: Which were the groups that directed the politics of Mato Grosso from 1930 to 1964? The theoretical approach used is Elite Theory, Community Power Structure studies, and Historical Institutionalism. This case study relies on primary sources and use positional and prosopography method. To conduct research about states is justify by the relevance of theses unities as political actors. Moreover, the relations among states can expose the dynamics of political national configuration. Furthermore, we can understand better the Brazilians states specially those less studied. Comparing states is an interpretative model to boost knowledge about the whole national politics. The argument of this study is that the elites achieved political success in the considered period as they adapted and repositioned themselves to each institutional change that occurred as a result of the alterations of the political regimes of 1930-1937, the Estado Novo of 1937-1945 and democratization in 1945-1964. While some actors skilfully maintained their elective offices, others did not. The thesis intends to be a contribution to the studies on Regionalism, Community Power Structure and the understanding of the political dynamics among the elites in Brazil.