Integridade biótica de fragmentos florestais em matriz urbana
2018-03-19Registro en:
Galvani, Fabricio
In Brazil, semi-deciduous seasonal forest (SSF) is one of the physiognomies of Atlantic
Forests, and sited between the Atlantic Forest and Savanna Biomes. Over the last decades,
SSF has been fragmented by use of the soil for agricultural or urban areas. The urban and
industrial growth promote a strong impact in forest fragments due to the edge effects, isolation,
and habitat degradation. Hence, the knowledge about ecologic dynamics and biotic integrity
inside this fragment is essential to guide public policy and to support decision makers, in the
planning and management of territories. The goal of this study was to analyze the Biotic
Integrity in fragments of SSF inside Ribeirão Preto (SP), a medium-sized city in the southeast
of Brazil, and to analyse the relationship between BII and landscape metrics (size, shape and
connectivity). The method (BII) has nine indicators (littler and grass cover, stand of dead trees,
exotic wood species, vines, gaps in the canopy, vascular epiphytes, later species in canopy and
in understory). The results can vary from 9 to 45. The survey was carried out in 9 forest
fragments, the sizes of which are from 1,3 to 185,0 ha, all with urban influence. The relation
between IBI and landscape metrics (size, shape) were analyzed by the Pearson correlation. BII
value were registered from 26,0 to 38,0 or as low, medium or high integrity. The results showed
strong correlation between IBB and size (p= 0, 7944), and weakness with shape (p= 0, 47).
Therefore, the results show a vast area (77 ha) with low Integrity and another small area (22 ha)
with high integrity. It was registered a medium-sized area, with high integrity located urban
area in expansion, for which it was recommended the creation of one Protected Area.