Proposta de uma sequência didática com o uso de recursos diversificados para o ensino e aprendizagem de tópicos específicos de astronomia
2015-03-31Registro en:
Moreira, Raphael Henrique
The current challenges of the Brazilian education are given in different planes, are
those related to structural conditions, a real recognition of the importance of teacher
and their training, and the pedagogical innovation. This latter aspect involves
rethinking approaches and resources used in teaching. Considering this, in this work
was prepared a didactic sequence intended to help improve the teaching and
learning of a specific science theme related to the topic Earth and Universe: location
by visible stars in the sky. This theme includes what is suggested in the National
Curriculum Parameters and in the curriculum of the São Paulo state for students of
the 7th graders of elementary school. The didactic sequence was planned using
some principles contained in the Potentially Significant Teaching Units (UEPS), in the
Teaching-Learning sequences (TLS) and in problem situations. The educational
product was created to articulate various teaching resources, some already available
for students of the public school of São Paulo, and others built in this work, as a
Board Game and a model for the construction of Southern Cross Constellation. The
didactic sequence was applied in a class of 7th graders of a elementary public school
in São Paulo, i.e., in a real environment of education. As a result of the
implementation, it was observed that some activities of the SD contributed to fulfill of
requirements necessary for there to meaningful learning: the student predisposition
for learning and the availability of potentially significant materials.