dc.contributorRocha, Rejane Cristina
dc.creatorEstevão, Natália Cristina
dc.identifierESTEVÃO, Natália Cristina. Escritas em movimento : o entrecruzamento de meios nos textos de Ismael Caneppele. 2017. Dissertação (Mestrado em Estudos de Literatura) – Universidade Federal de São Carlos, São Carlos, 2017. Disponível em: https://repositorio.ufscar.br/handle/ufscar/9674.
dc.description.abstractThrough the development of the history of literary texts inscription, it is possible to observe that, in the Western world, from the predominance of literate culture, the book has been characterized as the main mean of literary circulation. This appropriation stablished itself in a deep way, once the book was consolidate, increasingly, as the formalization of the detention of literaty and subjective expression. (CHARTIER, 2007). In this sense, from the moment when these literary productions begin to manifest in other means in the contemporary scenario of digital creations, there are reactions of estrangement and devaluation of new productions, precisely because they are configured in different materiality (ROCHA, 2014a). Regarding these considerations, we delimit as the corpus of this dissertation the texts of the Brazilian author Ismael Caneppele. Our research proposes a reading of the novel Os famosos e os duendes da morte (2010) and the blog Ismael Pele de Cão (2011-2014), considering the different material formalizations that each one of these texts present. We observed which characteristics of the text in printed book and which specifities of the text from the blog, on the internet. In our analysis, we assumed the inextricable relation between the text and the materiality, performing the necessary mediations in the critical work development. With the propose of developing such propositions, we observed that one of the central points of the issue is based on comprehension of the specificities of different media aproached, once each one stablish a different own way in relation to others. Therefore, we based the studies here presented on the theory of remediation, proposed by Bolter and Grusin (1999), that problematizes the articulation between the different media, as it postulates that the new media do not overcome or replace the previous, but coexist, which reconfigures their meaning. Along with remediation, with the objective of seizing the intertextual movements proposed on the texts, we use the concept of cultural recycling (KLUSCINSKAS; MOSER, 2007), whose constitution is based on a review of the aesthetical concept from reconsidering the paradigma “novelty, originality, authenticity”, that in the current context supports itself in the triad “copy, recycling and seriation”. From this analysis, we developed the notion of movement and we were able to conclude that it works as a technique of writing, assuming the fundamental role in the comprehension of the intrinsic relation between the texts and the materialities in the productions of Ismael Caneppele, as a way to evidence particularities of the author’s literary project. Furthermore, in a broader sense, our observations help us to understand some aspects of contemporary literature, of the literary categories historically stablished, as in the case of the author, reader and work, whose values were cristalized in contexts culturally different, that we discuss and evaluate through the works of Ismael Caneppele.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de São Carlos
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Estudos de Literatura - PPGLit
dc.publisherCâmpus São Carlos
dc.rightsAcesso aberto
dc.subjectMaterialidades da literatura
dc.subjectLiteratura Brasileira Contemporânea
dc.subjectIsmael Caneppele
dc.subjectLiterature materialities
dc.titleEscritas em movimento : o entrecruzamento de meios nos textos de Ismael Caneppele

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