dc.description.abstract | There is a growing perception in the industry that ergonomics is important, not only for the
comfort, safety and health of the worker, but to improve productivity and quality in
manufacturing. Brazilian companies have incorporated Ergonomics through different processes
of ergonomic action. However, when looking at different models of Ergonomics programs, a
few questions arise: what aspects of a management project in ergonomics do the current
management systems meet? How are ergonomics management programs validated? What
documents can be used as guidelines for management in ergonomics? In order to find answers
to these questions, this thesis had as main objective, propose a guidelines for a management
model in Ergonomics that is certified, based on the methodological approach derived from the
Ergonomics of the activity. For this, a theoretical revision was made on the ergonomics of the
activity and its performance in the companies, as well as the actions they have been seeking to
differentiate themselves in the market, such as the search for new management models, the forms
of evaluation and validation of the actions and, finally, the existing national and international
standards and certifications related to ergonomics. Interviews were also conducted with
professionals in the area of ergonomics to understand how has been their performance in their
workplaces; and also a exploratory case study in a multinational company, which in partnership
with a national certifying body, sought the development of a certification for ergonomics
programs in Brazil. Through the results found, it was possible to identify that there is no
uniformity in the performance of ergonomics programs in companies, that is, each company does
ergonomics in a different way, and often, not following a management model. In addition, it has
been found that there is a wide range of standards, both technical and regulatory, that make
reference to ergonomics, however, none of them also address the issue of management.
Therefore, a procedure that considers both the legal or technical (management) aspects and the
concepts and bases of the ergonomics of the activity, as presented in this thesis, offers minimum
guidelines for the development of a program that effectively acts in the improvement of working
conditions And through the process of validation of actions, mainly with the operators, seek the
continuous improvement of its management system, thus helping ergonomists and other
professionals, such as labor inspectors, in their actions. | |