Governança e relações intergovernamentais : a experiência de desenvolvimento e integração regional do estado do Pará (2007 a 2014)
2016-11-24Registro en:
Oliveira, Jorgiene dos Santos
In the State of Pará, the object of the present research, a significant institutional reform
took place in 2007, based on regional decentralization and the search for integrated
regional development. Until then, the development and integration models designed
for the State were dictated by the federal government, such as the projects executed
by the Superintendency for the Development of the Eastern Amazon (SUDAM). In this
sense, the main objective of this thesis is to analyze how the governments of the state
of Pará from 2007 to 2014 acted to promote regional development. The central
question that led to the analysis was: What are the institutional changes of the state
governments of Pará in the period from 2007 to 2014 with the objective of integrated
regional development? In this study, we assume that the State reform proposed by the
government of Pará from 2007 to 2014 was an initiative focused on regional
governance, which has an institutional redesign that favors intergovernmental relations
both vertically and horizontally Regional development and intraregional integration.
Assuming that institutions can contribute to regional development (although limited by
institutional constraints), the hypothesis supported by this thesis will be that the State
government in Pará, between 2007 and 2014, carried out institutional reforms based
on the Strengthening intergovernmental relations for the purpose of regional
development. These changes contributed to regional development and were based on
regional governance. Thus, it is argued that, because it is an institutional analysis
related to regional development and regional integration, the analysis has as its main
axis the regional governance paradigm and the theoretical reference of
neoinstitutionalism. In this regard, we analyze the institutional, social and
environmental dimension of government actions in the period. The methodology used
to reach the proposed objective was the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the
data on the case of the State of Pará. We started from the analytical model already
used in the literature (ABRUCIO, 2010) in relation to the state governments in Brazil.
We concluded that the institutional changes proposed by the State governments during
the period analyzed sought to favor intergovernmental relations. However, there were
factors that limited interlocking and intergovernmental partnerships implemented from
initiatives based on regional governance.