A narrativa transmídia como gênero do discurso : um estudo de caso do longa-metragem Capitão América 2 o soldado invernal
2017-02-15Registro en:
Mussarelli, Felipe
The current entertainment industry finds itself dominated by big media
groups, whose reach starts from production through distribution until the content
exhibition in many platforms, with high revenue stream. This study aimed to compare
the concept of transmedia storytelling by Henry Jenkins with Mikhail Bakhtin’s
language theory by means of the hypothesis of that transmedia storytelling might be
a bakhtinian speech genre. For this reason, we considered Captain American: the
winter soldier (Anthony Russo and Joe Russo, 2014) and its narrative expansion
produced in comic, short motion videos, television series and video games. Besides
analyzing the motion picture, we sought to observe in which way the three speech
genre elements (theme, style and compositional content) behaved in each narrative
expansion of the motion picture in comparison to the character Captain America’s
narratives not linked to the motion. As a result, we noticed that, while each narrative
genre element not linked to the motion behaved independently, the linked narrative
elements behaved similarly leading us to the conclusion that transmedia storytelling
can be considered a bakhtinian speech genre.