Impacto dos riscos no nível de coordenação vertical das cadeias agroindustriais de suprimentos : uma análise sob a perspectiva das empresas frigoríficas
2017-06-12Registro en:
Rosales, Fabricio Pini
Supply chains (SC) are becoming increasingly dynamic, globalized and complex. This reality increases the vulnerability of such chains to unwanted events that may compromise the performance of companies and chains as a whole, called Supply Chain Risks (SCR). Thus, by employing Supply Chain Management (SGM) tools to seek competitive advantage, companies become more susceptible to situations such as supply disruption, quality mismatches and unexpected price swings, among others. Thus, knowing the risks that affect supply chains and identifying actions to mitigate these risks becomes fundamental to reduce their impact on organizations and CS. In this context, this research aimed to identify the main risks that affect Agri-food Supply Chains (AFSC) and how these risks impact on the level of vertical coordination of these chains. Aiming to meet the research objectives, a systematic review of the literature, interviews with agents and a survey type survey with cold storage companies from all over the country were carried out. Factorial Analysis (FA) and Multiple Regression Analysis (MRA) were used to analyze the data collected. The results indicate that the supplier's raw material and low technology risks lead the slaughterhouses to integrate vertically the production of animal for slaughter, while the risks of climate and sanitary inadequacy lead companies to give preference to older suppliers. The ease of creating collaborative actions, the exchange of information and the differential treatment were efficient in creating a stable relationship. With regard to transaction costs, it was evidenced that agents seek to reduce ex-post costs and create a trust relationship. With regard to socio-environmental risks, it has been observed that there is pressure from slaughterhouses to exclude suppliers who employ ethically unacceptable production techniques.