Trajetória escolar de alunos com deficiência : matrículas do censo escolar
2017-02-15Registro en:
Macalli, Ana Carolina
This research aims to analyze, in three cities of the countryside region of Sao
Paulo State, the school trajectory of students with disabilities. In order to do that, we did an
official data survey of the cities released by Seade, Human Development Atlas with
demographic census data of 2010 and the Municipal Education Plans. Thereafter, we analyzed
the micro-data of School Census of Basic Education— made available by INEP (National
Institute of Studies and Educational Researches Anísio Teixeira), of the Ministry of
Education— regarding the registration of students with disabilities in the years from 2007 to
2015. Thus, we would be able to map the school trajectory of these students. In this study, to
choose the cities, we used the following criteria: one city with a high Human Development
Index (HDI); one city with an average Human Development Index and one with a very low
HDI. 1,782 school trajectories of students with disabilities were analyzed individually and the
results show that there are no disparities between the indexes of complete, partial and
incomplete trajectories with school retention and age x grade distortion between the cities.
This may indicate the adoption of programs, services and/or similar actions for the schooling
of this population. We hope that this study can contribute to the discussion in the academic
community about the educational reality faced by students with disabilities and, also,
contribute to program and policies formulation that aim to establish the permanency and the
school success of these students