Inteligência computacional aplicada à modelagem e otimização de bioprocessos
2016-04-29Registro en:
Aquino, Pedro Luiz da Mota e
This work deals with modeling applications, systematic and reliable optimization
methodologies of global search, and other computational tools. It is expected that
existing computational intelligence methods, encoded in an appropriate tool for the
application of process engineering assisted by computer, can lead to useful numerical
results for the modeling and optimization of different processes, including
biotechnological processes (focus of this work). Thus, different types of methodologies
suitable for computer applications, were studied here. The proposed methodologies
were implemented and evaluated for the development and optimization of culture media
for the fermentation process of Clostridium novyi type B, besides the fermentation
process and enzymatic hydrolysis of bagasse associated with the production of
bioethanol (1G and 2G). Thus, the potential application of these computational
techniques was evaluated to biotechnological systems in different approaches. More
specifically, it was performed: Classification of biotechnological systems (
"clustering") in kinetically similar regions to produce cellulosic ethanol (2G ethanol)
using fuzzy logic; estimation by global search of kinetic parameters to an alcoholic
fermentation model using Simmulated Annealing algorithm (SA) (Contributions to the
thematic project FAPESP 2011 / 51902-9); formulation and optimization of
economically viable culture media for Clostridium novyi type B using neuro-fuzzy data
modeling followed by global search which maximize productivity, also utilizing SA
algorithm as a search engine (this step of the project was conducted in partnership with
the veterinary pharmaceutical company Vallée SA). The computational tools presented
in this work were highly effective for modeling and optimization of the bioprocesses