dc.contributorLeite, Kelen Christina
dc.creatorPires, Cláudia Priscila
dc.identifierPIRES, Cláudia Priscila. Economia solidária e educação: possibilidades, limites e desafios. 2016. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) – Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Sorocaba, 2016. Disponível em: https://repositorio.ufscar.br/handle/ufscar/8516.
dc.description.abstractThis work has as objective the analysis of the theoretical debates about the possibility the Solidarity Economy been an alternative proposal to capitalism or only an alternative proposal inside the capitalist way of production. We have done this work through theoretical research in a qualitative methodology and the bibliographic review was conduct around the follow main themes: Taylorism/Fordism, mode of regulation Fordism/Keysianism, the exhaustion of Fordism/Keysianism, Toyotism, Neoliberalism, Fordism in Brazil, the cooperative organization in the 19th century, the cooperative organization in Brazil, the reappearance of the Solidarity Economy, the Solidarity Economy in Brazil, the Solidarity Economy theorists: defenders and critics of Solidarity Economy and Education/Culture. In this project, understanding the project on Solidarity Economy will be placed in the context of crisis and restructuring of capitalism and neoliberal policies, which are inadequate to demonstrate resolution of certain socioeconomic issues. This process, from the 1990s, in Brazil and abroad, and which consequences are now promoting the (re)emergence of a phenomenon that has been called the Solidarity Economy as an alternative form of organization of the production process and social organization of production, opening the doors to practices which in logic intend to be different to the Capital. From the 2000s, particularly in Brazil, the solidarity economy also affects the field of public policy. In this regard, a discussion in the theoretical field of Solidarity Economy and Cooperatives and Solidarity Economy and Capitalist System in order to increase understanding and implementation of strategies focusing on a delimitation of its boundaries, possibilities and the challenges of solidarity economy inside capitalism. It was also done an approach about the intrinsic relationship between Solidarity Economy and Education / Culture, since is needed a solidarity and cooperative education within the Solidarity Economy.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de São Carlos
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Educação - PPGEd-So
dc.publisherCâmpus Sorocaba
dc.rightsAcesso aberto
dc.subjectEconomia social - Educação
dc.subjectEconomia solidária
dc.subjectSocial economic - Education
dc.subjectSolidarity economy
dc.subjectCapitalist System
dc.titleEconomia solidária e educação: possibilidades, limites e desafios

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