dc.contributorPereira, Dulcinéia de Fátima Ferreira
dc.creatorSilva, Mariana Martha de Cerqueira
dc.identifierSILVA, Mariana Martha de Cerqueira. Africanidades e educação popular: uma análise de propostas e vivências pedagógicas de movimentos negros em Sorocaba. 2014. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) – Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Sorocaba, 2014. Disponível em: https://repositorio.ufscar.br/handle/ufscar/8539.
dc.description.abstractThis dissertation is about a survey that had the intention of reassuring the importance of approaching african and afro-brazilian history and culture in educational processes as from the dialogues between and with the black movement and relating brasilian´s africanidades to popular education perspective. Through the research action-participant methodology this work gathered and analysed interviews with local black leaderships that along with other historic sources provided our research material. Therefore, our group reserchead the contemporary black movement of Sorocaba city as well the educational experiences developed by them in the fifties of XX century. This survey was organized with the intention of revealing how by them could contribute to bring alive the application of Act 10.639/03.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de São Carlos
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Educação - PPGEd-So
dc.publisherCâmpus Sorocaba
dc.rightsAcesso aberto
dc.subjectMovimentos sociais
dc.subjectÁfrica - história
dc.subjectEducação popular
dc.subjectMovimento negro
dc.subjectBlack movement
dc.subjectPopular education
dc.subjectSocial movements
dc.titleAfricanidades e educação popular: uma análise de propostas e vivências pedagógicas de movimentos negros em Sorocaba

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