Etograma de mico-leão-preto (Leontopithecus chrysopygus, Mikan, 1823) em cativeiro, com ênfase no comportamento reprodutivo
2016-06-26Registro en:
Oliveira, Mayara Ferreira de
The interest in knowing and observing animals increased the habit of keeping
them in captivity, starting the creation of zoos around the world. They have
being modernized through the time and acquiring a new concept in education
and research, in which the conservation of the species is placed in the
foreground. The research in captivity cover many areas of study, such as
parasitology, pathology, genetics, and more, allowing closer contact with the
animal and making it easier to access the information that is difficult to get in
nature. However, the study of animal behavior stands out among these areas,
as it collaborates with several researches, allowing a more detailed knowledge
about the behavioral characteristics of the species, as described in this study.
Populations of black lions tamarins (Leontopithecus chrysopygus) kept in
captivity are targets of researches that aim to get more information about the
species, helping their conservation. The preparation of a detailed behavioral
catalog for the species was the objective of this article, emphasizing the
description and analysis of reproductive and socio-reproductive behavior.
Took part in the first stage of the study four couples of captive black lions
tamarins in an extra section of the São Paulo Zoo. In the second stage, there
were more four captives couples from the Conservation Center of Wild Fauna
of the State of São Paulo (CECFAU), where two of them also belonged to the
previous group. The observations lasted four months in each study area and
were held from Ad libitum methods to make the ethogram (90 full observation
hours) and focal animal with instant registration, with 30-minute sessions and
1-minute intervals for frequency analysis. It was also analyzed the use of the
grounds of the using area (divided into quadrants) and the proximity of the
animals, which have resulted in a high frequency of use of the upper quadrants
in the sections of the Sao Paulo Zoo, as well as the holding area and plays in
facilities of the CECFAU, being noticed, in both areas, the animals away from
each other most of the time of the observation.
Forty-five different behavioral acts were detected, divided into 11 behavioral
categories to make the analysis of the frequencies easier. The categories most
performed by the animals were Locomotion, Food and Physiological behavior
for couples of the Sao Paulo Zoo, as well as for couples CECFAU, except for
the category “Not visible” that showed high representativeness for this latter
individuals, corroborating the frequency that the animals stay in holding area
and burrows, where they were out of the observer's reach. In Reproductive
and Socio-reproductive behaviors were observed "copulation", "smell genital”,
"hold behind", "copulation simulation" and "genital markings".
It is suggested non-invasive endocrine studies, by analyzing fecal metabolites
concentrations that, associated with observations of behavior, can certainly
help the reproductive study of the species.