Técnica de macacos planos na avaliação de estruturas de alvenaria com blocos vazados de concreto
2016-02-02Registro en:
Soriani, Mateus de Oliveira
The present study delas with nondestructive evaluation of modern masonry built with hollow
concrete blocks, through the flatjack technique. The technique is already used to evaluate
masonry structures with solid bricks and stones and it is considered as efficient to obtain in
situ mechanical properties, without any permanent damages. The tests in solid unit masonry
using flatjack is included in international standards and recommendations as: ASTM C 1196 e
1197-09 e RILEM MDT.D.4 e MDT.D.5-04. The current standards and the practical
applications deal with masonry with brick or stones elements only. Nondestructive evaluation
in modern hollow block masonry is demanded and the flatjack can be used in these cases.
However, the current available jack can be used only on solid units, due to its geometrical
limitations. Therefore, this research proposes to adapt the flatjack technique for
nondestructive evaluation in modern masonry built with hollow concrete blocks. The
analyzed test is the deformability one, which the modulus of elasticity and an estimative of
the compressive strength is wanted. In this research, a new flatjack equipment was developed
to allow its application on hollow blocks and it was tested in modern masonry samples. The
new equipment was successfully developed and it was used in flatjack tests on hollow
concrete block masonry. As main results, masonry properties obtained from the flatjack
technique was close to the expected ones, indicating the great potentiality of the technique for
hollow blocks also.