O cuidado à saúde das pessoas em situação de rua : invisibilidade das ações intersetoriais na cidade de São Carlos - SP
2015-12-18Registro en:
Silveira, Mônica Yumi Jardim da
The enhance of the Unified Health System (SUS) in this country is still a challenge for the
Brazilian public health, in order to allow the health services access for the whole population, with
a good care quality, which includes the difficulties that homeless people have to be cared at the
health services in this national territory. Despite that aforementioned population is numerically
greater in the metropolis, nowadays even at medium-sized cities, such as São Carlos, there are
people in this condition, justifying this city’s choice as the research field. This work aimed to
analyze the caring practices and the conceptions of the homeless population in the city of São
Carlos, from the speech of health professionals that work with that. Thereunto, social research
methodology has been utilized, having as a tool the semi-structured interview, the focal groups
with sixteen health services professionals from SUS who work with the health care for the
homeless, and a representative of the specialized service for the homeless population from the
Unified System of Social Assistance. For analyzing the data, the Content Analysis techinique has
been used. In the light of the vulnerability concept and articles about the SUS and the homeless
population care, five major content categories were discussed, extracted from the interview/focal
groups. These were: Conceptions about the homeless population; Conceptions about the
homeless population’s health care; Care provided to homeless population’s health; Knowledge
about the network and intersectoral approach; Training for professionals to take care of the
homeless. It has been argued that there is a need to occur a permanent education process for
the workers, about the multiple intrinsic aspects of the street population caring. And that the
municipal, state and federal managements enable the adequate working conditions, so that this
work may happen with quality.