A educação da pessoa com deficiência em comunidades remanescentes de quilombos no estado de São Paulo
2015-04-30Registro en:
Mantovani, Juliana Vechetti
The study of this research theme is the education of persons with disabilities living in former quilombo communities of the state of São Paulo. Thus aims to describe and analyze this reality. The work was not restricted to school education to have found in communities people with disabilities in different situations, as follows: people who were in school, who have not completed the studies and that did not get to go to school. Also met a student with physical disabilities access to higher education. The theoretical foundations are guided in a historical and critical perspective, the method and procedures are qualitative, such as participant observation, field diary, document analysis, photographic records and interviews in school and communities. Work on quilombos requires a historical depth, so we conducted a study on the creation of these spaces and analyzed census data from 1872, slavery period. Also analyzed the census data of the school year 2007-2012 which referred the enrollment of students with and without disabilities from schools located in the remnants of quilombos; types of basic
education in these schools and specialized educational services. The survey was conducted in the state school which had the largest number of student enrollments with and without disabilities and communities where students lived. We come up to this school by surveys carried out in the school census and data provided by the Pedagogic Studies and Standards Centre of the State of São Paulo. Within the procedures still on the mapping of people with disabilities who reside in Eldorado communities, state of São Paulo with more quilombo communities. At school, participated in the research, director, deputy director and educational coordinator; teachers and students with
disabilities. In communities parents, leaders and people with disabilities. The results were: truancy; achievement and participation in community activities; advances in law school appreciation from parents and students and coping different adversities to get to school and remain there. The data revealed that is recent concern for the education of members of the former quilombo communities, and that there is a mute with regard to disabled people of these communities.