Aplicação de técnicas espectrométricas, cromatográficas e quimiométricas na avaliação da autenticidade de plantas utilizadas como fitoterápicos.
2006-08-01Registro en:
DAOLIO, Cristina. Application of nuclear magnetic resonance techniques and multivariate methods to evaluate phytotherapic medicines.. 2006. 162 f. Tese (Doutorado em Ciências Exatas e da Terra) - Universidade Federal de São Carlos, São Carlos, 2006.
Daolio, Cristina
The use of herbal medicines in the Brazilian market has increased in the last
few decades. Therefore, the quality control for herbal products, as well as traditional
medicines, is extremely important and for both: the manufactured products and the
raw material. However, to guarantee the product s quality implies in an increase of
the process costs in an industry. Currently, the quality of herbal extracts is predicted
by analysis of selected marker compounds, which are often characteristic chemicals
of a specific herb, but that many times do not present any relation with bioactivity. As
a consequence, the marker-based approach is an incomplete and unsatisfactory
method for quality control of herbal medicines
In order to cope with this problem, current developments in improving
sensitivity and analytical capacity of known techniques, had made possible the
plant s complex extract evaluation. The present work describes an analytical
methodology for the phytomedicines catuaba, espinheira-santa and guaco, based on
the metabolic profile approach, where the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance techniques,
as well as the High Performance Liquid Chromatography, are employed to obtain a
fingerprinting of these herbal medicines. Nevertheless, due to the complex spectral
data profile (1H spectra and chromatograms) evaluation it was necessary to employ
chemometrics. These multivariate methods made possible to extract some relevant
information and to prove the authenticity of the analyzed commercial samples.
The commercial catuaba samples analysis by HR-MAS NMR/ chemometrics
showed be more efficient, when compared with liquid NMR, indicating that the
species sold as the phytomedicine catuaba is Trichillia catigua. Whereas, the results
obtained for espinheira-santa showed an opposite situation pointing out that the
efficiency of the HR-MAS is correlated with the physiological constitution of the plant
material analyzed. Beside NMR results, HPLC analysis showed that the majority of
the espinheira-santa commercial samples do not employ Maytenus ilicifolia species.
The guaco results obtained by both, NMR and HPLC techniques were inconclusive
needing the use of a complementary technique. Therefore, the present work also
describes the use of the High Performance Liquid Chromatography coupling with
Tandem Mass Spectrometry, by means of SRM experiments, to evaluate some
commercial guaco samples. This technique provides the detection of the coumarin
1,2-benzopyrone in all the analyzed samples, due to the SRM high sensitivity, thus
certifying its authenticity.
The results obtained by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, High Performance
Liquid Chromatography and chemometrics, proved to be valuable tools for the
evaluation of complex phytomedicines matrix. In specific cases, where high
sensitivity in the analytical method is required, Mass Spectrometry can be used as an
additional technique.