O problema da fundamentação racional da moral e do direito em Kant
2008-03-26Registro en:
RAUBER, Gládis Maria. O problema da fundamentação racional da moral e do
direito em Kant. 2008. 86 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Humanas) - Universidade Federal de São Carlos, São Carlos, 2008.
Rauber, Gládis Maria
This study attempts to elucidate, in a first moment, the origin and the development
of the moral problem in Kantian philosophy, from the Critique of Pure Reason to the
Metaphysics of Morals, and the solution that Kant gave to it. Aiming to establish the
Kantian rational groundwork of moral and right, this research turns, then, to the
development of the main question that permeates throughout Kantian philosophy: How
are a priori synthetic judgments possible? determining the conditions of possibility of
such judgments in each one of the fields, the theoretical and the practical. Our goal is to
elucidate that, although the right must not be confused with moral, demanding only legal
conformity, that is, non-subjective adhesion of the actions to the law, it is subordinated to
the moral in the measure that this right is based on a formal universalism of the supreme
criterion of the morality, that is, the categorical imperative