Estimação do Value at Risk via enfoque bayesiano
2007-01-26Registration in:
MARQUES, Felipe Tumenas. Value at Risk Estimation by a Bayesian Approach. 2007. 66 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Exatas e da Terra) - Universidade Federal de São Carlos, São Carlos, 2007.
Marques, Felipe Tumenas
The continuous development of new financial instruments brings more and more
investment options for market participants. These investment options also bring a bigger
necessity to evaluate the risk embedded in these new financial instruments.
Risk Analysis can be defined as an attempt to measure the uncertainty degree in
the attainment of the expected return in a financial application and the standard measure
to evaluate financial risk is the Value at Risk. This work aims to develop a new approach to estimate the Value at Risk,
considering both the market data and the specialists´ opinion.