Melhoria do software de medição de desempenho com base na satisfação do usuário numa empresa de celulose e papel
2011-04-29Registro en:
PINHEIRO, Sandro Bressan. Melhoria do software de medição de desempenho com base na satisfação do usuário numa empresa de celulose e papel. 2011. 177 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Exatas e da Terra) - Universidade Federal de São Carlos, São Carlos, 2011.
Pinheiro, Sandro Bressan
The performance measurement implementation fails in many companies because of lack of information technology (IT) support. Hence it is obvious that IT is one of the critical success factors for performance measurement implementation. The successful implementation of performance measurement depends less on selecting the right measures and more on the way the measures are implemented and used by the people in the business. The data collection, analysis and reporting should be automated as much as possible to save time and effort as well as to provide consistency. Software from PMS is defined as an ideal the better designed (technical factors) and meet people (personal factors) of the organization. The successful deployment of an PMS is related to the ability of organizations to react to changes and manage the use of automated performance measurement, exploiting the latest technology. This thesis aims to improve software performance measurement based on user satisfaction in a business of pulp and paper. The quasi-experiment showed that the end user participating in the full development of PMS, since its design and in all stages of validation or the definition of improvement, they realize the benefits of deployment, and can understand the logic of the management model the company, its tools and concepts. The results of research in this thesis, we hope to benefit many users who have or are planning to implement performance measurement software.