Proposta de estrutura e de método para coordenação da qualidade em cadeias de produção agroalimentares.
2005-03-03Registro en:
BORRÁS, Miguel Angel Aires. Proposta de estrutura e de método para coordenação da
qualidade em cadeias de produção agroalimentares.. 2005. 349 f. Tese (Doutorado em Ciências Exatas e da Terra) - Universidade Federal de São Carlos, São Carlos, 2005.
Borrás, Miguel Angel Aires
The questions on food quality and food safety are main problems to
elaborate healthy agri-food products from ecological process. Those factors, associated
with the increasing agri-food sector s competitiveness are basics to conquest new
competitive levels by agri-food supply chains (ASC). It follows that is primordial that
ACS achieves the assurance of the quality and safety for its products. This can be
obtained with the integrated management of quality in the production stages performed
along all chain. On this thesis, the type of management which reaches all ACS is called
quality coordination.
The thesis proposes a structure (Structure for Quality Coordination
SQC) and a method (Method for Quality Coordination MQC) which can help the ACS
to coordinate the quality into its segments. Thus, the research is based on wide
bibliography revision that discusses theoretical concepts on agri-food chain, supply
chain, quality management, agri-food coordination and change theories. This revision
generated: a) the quality coordination concept; b) the proposal of the SQC and MQC;
and c) the SQC/MCQ Implantation Procedure (SMIP). The SQC is composed of the
own ACS with its segments and agents, coordinating agent, quality product and quality
management requirements and for the MQC. The MQC is composed of eight modules
which claims: a) to identify the Demanded Quality (DQ) and deploy it in product and
management requirements; b) to follow and evaluate the quality management practices
and ACS performance indicators; and c) to propose and control improvement plans.
Besides, the SQC and the MQC was evaluated in workshop accomplished
with representatives of alcohol and sugar factories and rural producers. A brief
illustration of the SMIP and SQC/MQC using in the Brazilian apple ACS is presented
too. On this illustration is discussed the financial and technical viability of the
Therefore with a wide theoretical background is possible conclude that
the SCQ and MQC can contribute to assure the quality and safety of agri-food products,
improving the ACS competitiveness.