Sistemas locais de produção agroindustrial: um modelo de competitividade.
2004-02-27Registro en:
CAMPEÃO, Patrícia. Sistemas locais de produção agroindustrial: um modelo de competitividade.. 2004. 230 f. Tese (Doutorado em Ciências Exatas e da Terra) - Universidade Federal de São Carlos, São Carlos, 2004.
Campeão, Patrícia
This work concerns the research field on agribusiness and local
development. The importance of the agribusiness in the Brazilian economy has justified
the wide discussion on forms of promoting the invigoration of the sector. The
technological evolution of agriculture in the world and, in particular in Brazil, has
induced the accomplishment of changes in the structure and in Agro industrial
operation, resulting in a new organizational dynamic based on some key factors as
specialization and flexibility. Those factors have been inducing the search for forms of
productive organizations that favor the increase of competitiveness under the point of
view of efficiency and of productive effectiveness, that is, to offer a product in the
amount and in the quality disputed, and at the right moment. On the other hand, the
development of agribusiness has also been seen under another angle, other than that
addressing the economic growth purely. The need to understand and to minimize the
present socioeconomic disparities in the Brazilian territory, has been guiding actions of
development of agribusiness in the sense of seeking the satisfaction of economic and
social factors present in each territory. For such, the social and cultural characteristics
start to have greater influence in the detailing of actions of economical invigoration of a
given territory. Thus, this work seeks to investigate theoretical approaches and practical
cases associated to the concept of Local System of Production, based on the
organization of productive activities based on proximity economies and on the
interaction logic. For such, the methodology used incorporates the method of study of
multiple cases and the techniques of direct and indirect documentation, and intense
direct observation. This work proposes a model of development of the competitiveness
of local systems of production, especially based on agribusiness. The model identifies
factors relevant to the competitiveness of these systems, resulting from the interaction
between factors of organizacional, institucional and social-cultural order present in the
local environment. The results extend the knowledge of the social-economical dynamics
of these types of productive systems, identifying the importance of the human capital
and of the institutional capital in the development of the competitiveness of the local
companies, especially those which are small sized, and in the economic and social
growth of the territory, under the perspective of sustainable development.