A construção do início da docência: um olhar a partir das produções da ANPEd e do ENDIPE
2006-02-24Registro en:
MARIANO, André Luiz Sena. The building of beginning of the teaching prefession: a look from the productions of ANPEd and ENDIPE.. 2006. 156 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Humanas) - Universidade Federal de São Carlos, São Carlos, 2006.
Mariano, André Luiz Sena
The present master s degree dissertation is structured around the following question: What do the works presented on ANPEd and ENDIPE say about the process of professional learning of teaching taken place in the beginning of the career? To answer it, a time cut-out equivalent to a decade of research (1995-2004) was performed, that is, a search on the annals of the last ten ANPEd Annual Meetings and the last five ENDIPEs was conducted, looking for the works that presented as main discussion focus the beginner teacher and its professional learning process, regardless of teaching level.
The framework on which the research is based privileges three categories: the teacher formation models, advocating for the model of the teacher as an intellectual critic, that is, a teacher that recognizes the controversial nature of education, not conceiving it as a mere reproducer of the dominant ideology, but also as propelling spring of the social transformation; the characteristics of the beginning of teaching, such as, the feeling of reality shock, marked by the feelings of survival and discovery and the teaching knowing, which comes from various sources and is built, not only
during the initial period, but throughout the whole career.
Analyzing the results presented by the selected studies, it was possible to verify that: a) the prevailing teacher formation model is the practical epistemology, especially
the one that understands the teacher as a practical reflexive professional; b) the characteristics of the beginning of teaching, pointed by literature, are confirmed, especially regarding the feeling of reality shock; c) the teaching knowing is plural, composite and heterogeneous, resulting from several sources (family, previous schooling, initial formation, experience). The data analysis allows pointing out also, as more emphasized aspects in the analyzed works: the professional socialization, the teaching knowing and the feelings of survival and discovery that strongly mark this career beginning, among others. Less emphasized aspects include: the relations between initial formation and professional
insertion moment and the learning ways developed by the beginner teacher. Finally, silenced aspects include, among others: the continuous formation and professional
development politics, diversity/difference questions, cultural plurality and multiculturalism, pedagogical practice analysis of the teachers of young and adults and the existing relation between the beginner teacher and its professional acting model. The model of the teacher as an intellectual critic, advocated by this work, was also absent from the discussions about the teacher in the beginning of career.