dc.contributorMizukami, Maria da Graça Nicoletti
dc.creatorDomingues, Isa Mara Colombo Scarlati
dc.identifierDOMINGUES, Isa Mara Colombo Scarlati. Desenvolvimento profissional de professoras alfabetizadoras em ambiente virtual de aprendizagem : contribuições de casos de ensino. 2013. 260 f. Tese (Doutorado em Ciências Humanas) - Universidade Federal de São Carlos, São Carlos, 2013.
dc.description.abstractThe present study lies in discussions about teacher education and investigated the learning and teachers professional development by making use of teaching cases and case methods, while training tool and investigative processes driving reflective about the knowledge of teaching. The teaching cases are narratives of episodes usually extracted from real data and daily school experiences that give visibility to the teachers experiences, that when analyze them and build them, articulate and relive experiences, establishing relationships between theory and practice. The research and intervention process took place through the Teachers Portal - UFSCar in progress: "Casos de Ensino e Teorização de Práticas Pedagógicas - professores alfabetizadores [Cases of Teaching and Theorizing Pedagogical Practices - literacy teachers], the prospect of continued training of sixteen teachers in the same stage of elementary school (Early Years - 1st, 2nd and 3rd year), which act as literacy. To accomplishment this study, of qualitative approach, the research aimed to analyze episodes of the professional development process experienced by literacy teachers to make use of teaching cases in the virtual environment, while the possibility formative and investigative. Thus, were worked in cases depict events related to the daily lives of literacy. The achieved results in the research indicate the potential of teaching cases in / for learning and for professional development of teaching. In general, the strategies of analysis and preparation of teaching cases enabled knowledge related to the teaching and learning of language were explained and (re) assessed by literacy. The use of teaching cases and case methods allowed reflections if they were present and provided evidence of the doubts, certainties and contradictions that characterize and guide the professional practice of literacy. These results indicated that it is possible to highlight points deserve highlights and others who deserve to be reconsidered for future training and investigative processes with teaching cases.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de São Carlos
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Educação - PPGE
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectProfessores - formação
dc.subjectCaso de ensino
dc.subjectFormação continuada de professores
dc.subjectProcesso reflexivo
dc.subjectAprendizagem profissional da docência
dc.subjectDesenvolvimento profissional
dc.subjectCase Teaching
dc.subjectContinuing education of literacy teachers
dc.subjectReflective processes
dc.subjectLearning and professional development of teaching
dc.subjectOnline training for teachers
dc.titleDesenvolvimento profissional de professoras alfabetizadoras em ambiente virtual de aprendizagem: contribuições de casos de ensino

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