dc.contributorAndrade, Ronaldo Soares de
dc.creatorMartins, Patricia Villar
dc.identifierMARTINS, Patricia Villar. Percepção de docentes da UFSCar sobre sua agência de inovação. 2010. 181 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Multidisciplinar) - Universidade Federal de São Carlos, São Carlos, 2010.
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this study consisted of collecting and analyzing data with teachers of the various Academic Centers of UFSCar about their understanding of the term "innovation", knowledge of intellectual property policy in UFSCar, and the performance of its Innovation Agency. The Innovation Agency of UFSCar was established to meet the requirements of the Law of Innovation (10.973/04), which states in its Article 16 that every Science and Technology Institution (from the Portuguese acronym ICT) is expected to have a Technological Innovation Center (from the Portuguese acronym NIT) with the purpose of managing the innovation policy of the University. In practice, the NIT has the mission of managing all intellectual property generated by the ICT, encompassing the protection of intellectual property and technology transfer, and linking the University with businesses in order to boost technological innovation in Brazil. The methodology included a questionnaire as an instrument of data collection which consisted of open questions, multiple choice, marking scale. The questionnaire was divided into three main issues: 1) Innovation, 2) Domestic regulation UFSCar, and 3) Innovation Agency UFSCar. It was sent via e-mail to 935 teachers, 94 of whom responded to it. Thus, an overview on the perception of teachers on the theme of innovation, the internal rules of UFSCar and the Innovation Agency was obtained by the compilation of these data. The data analysis resulted in the development of a set of recommendations for structuring and operation of the Agency for innovation to be developed based on the perceptions of teachers, and this is the main contribution of the dissertation.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de São Carlos
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Ciência, Tecnologia e Sociedade - PPGCTS
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectDesenvolvimento da ciência e tecnologia
dc.subjectNúcleo de Inovação Tecnológica (NIT)
dc.subjectTransferência de tecnologia
dc.subjectPropriedade intelectual
dc.subjectAgência de Inovação da UFSCar
dc.subjectCiência e Tecnologia
dc.subjectTechnology Transfer Office TTO
dc.subjectInnovation Agency UFSCar
dc.subjectScience and Technology
dc.titlePercepção de docentes da UFSCar sobre sua agência de inovação

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