| Tesis
Correlações entre propriedades dinâmico-mecânicas e durabilidade sob fadiga mecânica em compósitos de polipropileno/polipropileno maleificado/fibra de vidro
2006-09-06Registro en:
CRUZ, Michelle Christina Avezum da. Correlações entre propriedades dinâmico-mecânicas e durabilidade sob fadiga mecânica em compósitos de polipropileno/polipropileno maleificado/fibra de vidro.. 2006. 247 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Exatas e da Terra) - Universidade Federal de São Carlos, São Carlos, 2006.
Cruz, Michelle Christina Avezum da
Although the influence of interfacial adhesion on short-term mechanical
performance of fiber-reinforced thermoplastic composites has been well
established, very little published information is available on the influence of the
composite interface/interphase characteristics on fatigue properties of these
materials. Fatigue life determination is of paramount importance for engineering
applications of injection moulded short glass fiber (GF) reinforced polypropylene
(PP) composites. Thus, this work is related to an investigation on the influence
of maleated polypropylene (PP-g-MAH) interfacial compatibilizer on the fatigue
resistance properties of 30 percent GF-reinforced PP composites. The
mechanical fatigue analysis was carried out using four-point bending tests
under deformation controlled mode at frequencies of 1 Hz and complete reverse
cycle (R = - 1).
In order to obtain quick comparative data on PP-g-MAH compatibilizer
performance on the fatigue life of these composites, an experimental procedure
was elaborated in order to correlate the properties determined by dynamicmechanical
thermal analysis (DMTA) of composite samples, both pristine or
subjected to short-term cyclic loading, with the experimentally determined
fatigue life of these materials. The main conclusions of this work indicate that
the mechanical damping (tan d) values, related to the fiber-polymer interfacial
friction, reduce with compatibilizer content; this effect being better evidenced in
the fatigued samples. The decrease in tan d values with compatibilizer content
clearly indicate an increase in the composite interfacial compatibility and were
found to be inversely proportional to the number of cycles to failure determined
by long-term fatigue testing, thus, promoting an increase in the fatigue life of the
investigated PP/PP-g-MAH/30%GF composites.