Edição de material instrucional para EAD baseada em estratégias cognitivas.
2003-02-11Registro en:
ORBOLATO, Rafael Godoi. Edição de material instrucional para EAD baseada em
estratégias cognitivas.. 2003. 179 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Exatas e da Terra) - Universidade Federal de São Carlos, São Carlos, 2003.
Orbolato, Rafael Godoi
A lack of support to teachers in the instructional material creation was verified during
a research with computer-based distance learning environments, this support being related
both to technological and pedagogical aspects.
To propose a support in these two fields, technology and pedagogy, this work
analyzed the learning theories. From this analysis arose the opportunity to adapt the cognitive
strategies' ideas as a pedagogical support to the teacher in the content organization of the
instructional material.
In addiction, as the material format to the Web has a different structure from the
conventional one, it was defined a basic set of usability directives and explanations about
these differences, as another form of support to the teacher.
The Cognitor, an instructional material creation tool was developed, joining its
technological support in the material creation for the Web, with the pedagogical support
mentioned previously.