dc.contributorTrevelin, Luis Carlos
dc.creatorPenteado, Maurício Giacomini
dc.identifierPENTEADO, Maurício Giacomini. Monitoramento de Ambientes Virtuais Distribuídos com suporte a clientes sob projeção única e multiprojeção. 2012. 113 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Exatas e da Terra) - Universidade Federal de São Carlos, São Carlos, 2012.
dc.description.abstractImmersive, interactive, and collaborative distributed applications, due to their real time and multi-platform characteristics, require a monitoring structure of their functionalities during the development period, which is not fully available in the current monitoring systems, which are usually specific of the languages and platforms in which they are made available. Monitoring systems that require synchronism of distributed objects during the processing is a complex task. Especially in distributed systems from multi-projection where timing is critical to its operation. It is often difficult to check the correct execution of the system. It might be useful for developers and users of such systems to have the ability of identifying, for example, if the reason for the system delay is due to the abusive use of a resource or due to programming mistakes; the identification of which object has crashed, compromising the system as a whole. Distributed object systems, also known as SOA (Service Oriented Architecture), generally use middleware of the broker type in their infrastructure and can have a dynamic number of connected clients or servers when running. There are, in the literature, several tools for the monitoring of performance, resources, debugging, and support, among others, of such systems. Nevertheless, the tools available in the literature are limited to programming languages or platforms that are able to process the monitoring agents related to them. In this work, a tool for the monitoring of distributed object systems is proposed, based on communication described in XML documents, which allows language and platform independence in the such systems development. A structure for the design of tools for the monitoring of distributed object systems is proposed, based on communication described in XML documents, which allows language and platform independence in the such systems development. In addition to the structure that is theoretically founded, the conception of a tool is structured in the manner described and proven in monitoring data from a case study.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de São Carlos
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Computação - PPGCC
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectAmbientes virtuais colaborativos
dc.subjectSistemas distribuídos
dc.subjectRealidade virtual
dc.subjectCORBA - Common Object Request Broker Architecture
dc.subjectAmbientes Virtuais Distribuídos
dc.subjectAglomerados Gráficos
dc.subjectPlataforma Jamp
dc.subjectFerramentas de Monitoramento
dc.subjectDistributed Virtual Environment
dc.subjectMonitoring Tools
dc.titleMonitoramento de Ambientes Virtuais Distribuídos com suporte a clientes sob projeção única e multiprojeção

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