dc.contributorGuardia, Hélio Crestana
dc.creatorMoschetto, Danilo Augusto
dc.identifierMOSCHETTO, Danilo Augusto. Uma arquitetura de comunicação oportunística. 2010. 89 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Exatas e da Terra) - Universidade Federal de São Carlos, São Carlos, 2010.
dc.description.abstractMobile computing devices often present high processing power and include several wireless network interfaces. 4G networks promise to provide a unified IP based infrastructure with QoS and security support for the communications using such devices. Transmission delays, and network disruptions, however, are often common when considering the current transmissions of mobile users. This work presents a software communications architecture which is tolerant to transmission delays and intermittent connectivity by exploring a hop-by-hop forwarding mode in DTNs. The proposed architecture is organized as a set of functional layers, which allow the use of different forwarding policies and network technologies. By providing the forwarding of objects, named bundles, an unlimited number of high level communication applications can be implemented on top of the architecture. Security aspects concerning the proper identification of users and transmission bundles, as well as the confidentiality and authentication of the received information are considered in the project of the developed architecture. Log keeping of the bundle forwarding activities performed by the architecture, including the interactions among users and the data passing operations, may be further investigated for use in different context aware forwarding and social organization algorithms. A partial implementation of the developed architecture was made and the results demonstrate the viability of its operation.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de São Carlos
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Computação - PPGCC
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectRedes de comunicação de dados
dc.subjectRedes de computadores
dc.subjectSistemas de comunicação móvel
dc.subjectAd hoc networks (Redes de computação)
dc.subjectComputação móvel
dc.subjectComunicação oportunística
dc.subjectMobile computing
dc.subjectDTN, MANETs
dc.subjectOpportunistic computing
dc.titleUma arquitetura de comunicação oportunística

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