dc.contributorCamargo, Heloisa de Arruda
dc.creatorYaguinuma, Cristiane Akemi
dc.identifierYAGUINUMA, Cristiane Akemi. Processamento de conhecimento impreciso combinando raciocínio de ontologias fuzzy e sistemas de inferência fuzzy. 2013. 177 f. Tese (Doutorado em Ciências Exatas e da Terra) - Universidade Federal de São Carlos, São Carlos, 2013.
dc.description.abstractIn Computer Science, ontologies are used for knowledge representation in a number of applications, aiming to structure and handle domain semantics through models shared by humans and computational systems. Although traditional ontologies model semantic information and support reasoning tasks, they are based on a formalism which is less suitable to express the vagueness inherent in real-world phenomena and human language. To address this issue, many proposals investigate how traditional ontologies can be extended by incorporating concepts from fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic, resulting in fuzzy ontologies. In special, combining the formalism from fuzzy ontologies with fuzzy rule-based reasoning, which has been successfully applied in the context of fuzzy inference systems, can lead to more expressive inferences involving imprecision. In this sense, this doctoral thesis aims at exploring the integration of fuzzy ontology reasoning with fuzzy inference systems, resulting in the definition and the development of two approaches: HyFOM (Hybrid integration of Fuzzy Ontology and Mamdani reasoning) and FT-FIS (Fuzzy Tableau and Fuzzy Inference System). HyFOM is based on a hybrid architecture combining reasoners for ontologies, fuzzy ontologies and fuzzy inference systems, focusing on the interaction among its independent components. FT-FIS defines an interface between a fuzzy tableau-based algorithm and a fuzzy inference system, including the fuzzyRuleReasoning predicate that allows fuzzy rule-based reasoning to be invoked whenever necessary for fuzzy ontology reasoning tasks. The main contribution of HyFOM and FT-FIS comes from their reasoning architectures, which combine flexibility in terms of fuzzy rule semantics with the collaboration between inferences from both types of reasoning. Experiments regarding the recommendation of touristic attractions, based on synthetic data, revealed that HyFOM and FT-FIS provide integrated inferences, in addition to a more expressive approximation of the relation defined by fuzzy rules than the results from the fuzzyDL reasoner. In experiments involving the evaluation of chemical risk in food samples, based on real data, results obtained by HyFOM and FT-FIS are also more precise than fuzzyDL results, in comparison with reference values available in this domain.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de São Carlos
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Computação - PPGCC
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectInteligência artificial
dc.subjectRepresentação de conhecimento
dc.subjectFuzzy logic
dc.subjectSistema fuzzy
dc.subjectRaciocínio aproximado
dc.subjectRegras fuzzy
dc.subjectSistema de inferência fuzzy, Arquitetura de raciocínio
dc.subjectKnowledge representation
dc.subjectFuzzy ontology
dc.subjectFuzzy rules
dc.subjectFuzzy inference system
dc.subjectReasoning architecture
dc.titleProcessamento de conhecimento impreciso combinando raciocínio de ontologias fuzzy e sistemas de inferência fuzzy

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